Tuesday, March 15, 2016

Life With Anxiety

Mental illness has been a prevalent topic in these past years. More people are aware of it and the stigma is slowly dissolving. But some people use it out of context. There's the people who are sad and say I'm depressed without knowing what depression is. The same goes for anxiety. Anxiety isn't just the occasional butterflies in your stomach.

But here's what anxiety really is:

Pacing around the room because you think you've done something wrong.

Wanting to puke at the thought of meeting someone new or going some place you aren't familiar with.

Never talking for fear you'll say something wrong and everyone in the whole world will hate you for saying that one sentence.

Sobbing in the middle of the night because everything has finally caught up with you and it's overwhelming.

Hearing thunder or fireworks and having your body shut down out of fear.

Preparing for the panic attack you know is going to happen.

I can't speak for depression because I don't have chronic depression. Sure I have bouts of it where it's like I'm trapped in a black hole of emotions and I'm numb to my surroundings, but it's not chronic and hardly ever happens.

I know you are probably thinking, does she take medicine? Yes, I do. But does Advil or Motrin always take every ounce of pain away...Probably not all the time. I've improved but medicine isn't the end all be all. There's going to be some anxiety left over and I'm okay with that. I don't want to be an emotionless robot. Having anxiety shows me I feel.


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