Monday, May 30, 2016

The Life of a Sleepwalker

Many of my readers know I am a sleepwalker. It can affect my life and sometimes it doesn't. In November of 2011 (we're jumping back in time here) I ran out of my house in the middle of the night yelling help because I thought I was in the book The Stepford Wives. I had just finished the book so I dreamt the ending but with me as the main character. This was the most problematic sleepwalking. And it led to a sleep study.

Now you'll probably ask how you slept with all that? The answer is: You don't. There is goop in my hair and on my torso and I look like a robot. A super lame one at that. But there was a seascape painted on my wall which was supposed to help calm me. I also freaked the technician out. They don't actually know why you're there so when I told him sleepwalking he seemed really nervous. I guess sleepwalkers at 18 are hard to come by. Well nothing happened. I didn't sleepwalk but I did grind my teeth and we used that as a loophole to put me on sleeping medication which would keep me from sleepwalking for a very short period of time.


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