Friday, March 18, 2016

Roy Mackenzie

Roy and Mackenzie are interchangeable for first and last names. I have gotten are you Roy a lot throughout the years.

First days of school was always traumatizing when the teacher would do role call and call out Roy Mackenzie. I then had to correct them. The worst was when my teacher went on and on about how he thought Roy might have been a family name when he saw a girl in his presence. He then asked if I was sure my first name wasn't Roy.....really?

At doctor's appointments I'd show up and they'd say you're not a boy. Well thanks for noticing. And my mom would get countless calls asking if Roy Mackenzie's mother was there, including from my primary care's office.

My two favorite stories have to do with when I turned 18.

The first thing that happened was I got a package in the mail. Upon opening I noticed it was from Gilette. It was a razor and said in big letters, "Welcome to Manhood" Well the razor was really nice but I was unaware I entered manhood but thanks for trying. I kept the razor.

The second thing that happened was I got a letter in the mail. It was from the army saying that Roy Mackenzie had failed to sign up for selective services. Well Roy Mackenzie doesn't exist and Mackenzie Roy doesn't legally have to sign up for selective services yet.

But if I ever need an alter ego, you'll know how to find me

Mackenzie or Roy

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